Who is called Phubber?

Does technology always make human life easier? Good question...

By Jane Dickens Published on 13 Şubat 2023 : 22:04.
Who is called Phubber?

In May 2012, a team gathered at the University of Sydney, which brought this issue to the agenda in an interesting way. The team consisted of a lexicographer, phonologist, debating champion, crossword puzzle expert, a poet and several writers, and their goal was to give a name to the act of those who prefer the smartphone screen, which has now become a disease, to the people around them. His efforts resulted in the creation of the word "Phubbing", which is a combination of the words "phone" and "snubbing", that is, phone and contempt for the other person, which are now used in 180 different countries around the world.

Why is this word important?

Because it has brought the syndrome of preferring the smartphone screen to the people around it, which has not been discussed at length because it has never been named, on a global scale.

Roughly speaking, it is the person who starts laughing in the middle of any conversation, and after making the other person think that he is making a joke that deserves a lot of laughter, is the person who explains, "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you, I just saw something funny on Twitter".

The team that created the word McCann Melbourne even launched a campaign called “stop phubbing”.


Are You A Phubber?