He grew up in a family where religion and science clashed: Who is Dan Brown?

Dan Brown received his education at Phillips Exeter Academy, which is considered a highly elite school. His father was a math teacher at the same school. His mother was a music professor.

By David Foster Published on 17 Ekim 2022 : 14:04.
He grew up in a family where religion and science clashed: Who is Dan Brown?

Dan Brown, one of the world-famous writers, was born on June 22, 1964, in America. The author, whose mother is a theologian musician and father is a professor of mathematics, spent his youth in an environment where there was a conflict between religion and science. This was the most important source of inspiration for Dan Brown, who grew up in a family where religion and science lived together.

Dan Brown was involved with music during his high school years; because his only goal in life was to become a successful musician with best-selling albums. He joined the music club at school.

He graduated from Amherst College and Philips Exeter Academy. He studied English and Spanish at Amherst. He listened to a lecturer's explanations in front of Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper slide at the University of Seville in Spain. This lesson inspired him to write The Da Vinci Code.

Brown moved to Los Angeles in 1991 and began teaching Spanish at Beverly Hills Preparatory School there. Here he met his future wife, Blythe. Blythe was also the manager of Dan Brown. Thanks to this, they created the music album “Angels and Demons”; however, the album did not receive any attention. The only benefit was that it was the title of a later novel by Dan Brown.

The Dan-Blythe couple has written several books while continuing to be involved in music. “187 Men to Avoid”, and “An Angry Woman's Guide to Survival in Emotional Relationships” are written in a humorous way... The books did not attract attention.

One day, two secret service agents came to the school where Dan Brown and his wife were teaching, investigating a student who wrote an e-mail about then-US President Clinton and sent it to a friend with inappropriate content. They wanted to know if the boy was serious about what he wrote. This event inspired Dan Brown to write his first novel, Digital Fortress.

Dan Brown, who has always dreamed of being a writer, published his first book in 1996 under the name Digital Kale. In this work, which is number one in the book lists, the relationship between national security and the civilian population is explained.

The Internet was spreading in those years, and it was the best time to write a book about it. Indeed, Dan Brown wrote the book, and it was an impressive success after it was published. Digital Fortress was addressing the privacy situation between the NSA and the public.

(2001) His second book is Deception Point. The author, who also gave information about morality and secret technologies in this book, made an impact worldwide. Dan Brown's greatest work, Angels and Demons discuss the conflict between science and religion. It is a thriller novel.

The book of Dan Brown, who proved his success with his work called The Da Vinci Code in 2004, caused great controversy, especially in America and Europe.

Dan Brown named Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol, and Inferno as the Robert Langdon series. The protagonist of this series is Robert Langdon, just like Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot.

Master actor Tom Hanks played the role of Robert Langdon, the iconic character in the books Angels and Demons, Inferno, and The Da Vinci Code, which were adapted into movies.