Who is Dr Miles Stone? How could he write his book two days after the overhead fires broke out?

Two days after the Hawaii fires, a book marketed on Amazon stirred the publishing world. Because there is almost no information about the mysterious author of the book Fire And Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire And Its Implications For Climate Change.

By David Foster Published on 19 Ağustos 2023 : 20:59.
Who is Dr Miles Stone? How could he write his book two days after the overhead fires broke out?

Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change was released on Amazon on August 10, two days after the deadly fires began on Maui Island that killed 111 and left more than a thousand casualties. The book claims to make a chronology of the events of 8-11 August.

The author named Dr. Miles Stone writes

The 44-page book, which has e-book and paperback versions, is claimed to have been written by Dr Miles Stone. However, the "about the author" section on the Amazon page simply says "I don't want to talk about it". According to LexisNexis search; No such person appears in the records. More than a dozen books with equally incomplete titles, all published after May 2023, have been registered to a person by the same name on the Googlereads author page. The titles of the books are: The Life Story of Hunter Biden: The President's Son - A life Of Tragedy, Drama, Addiction And Scandal, and Nicholas Sparks Life Story Book: A Walk Through His Memories, Challenges, and Achievements.

Reacted on social media

The book on the Maui fires immediately drew the ire of the skeptical reader on social media. Readers accuse Amazon of making propaganda and point out that the book appears to have been published by an artificially intelligent scammer. Fire and Fury received 21 single stars before Amazon limited reviews to only approved buyers, with reviews calling the book "inaccurate and insensitive" and "total garbage."

'Too many red flags'

Saray Bean, marketing manager at BookLaunchers, where authors self-publish their own books, said the book's listing page was full of red flags for those familiar with this type of publishing: The lack of an author's biography, negative reviews, a small number of pages, and the book's rush to finish rang alarm bells. There is also no transparency as to who provided the information for the book, there is a general photo of a house on fire with a palm tree in the front yard, and there is no source on the imprint page. Even though the book was written using artificial intelligence, according to Bean; Many trusted authors work with a publisher or personal publishing service to edit the book, review the information, and add the “human touch.” None of this seems to exist in the book Fire and Fury.


"Almost like they had a written script": Dr. Miles Stones’ Fire and Fury Maui book on Amazon leaves internet baffled
