Who is Europa and how did she give her name to the continent Europa?

Frankly, if it weren't for Zeus's womanizing stories, there would be no such thing as Greek Mythology. It's hard to find a god as flirtatious as Zeus. Let's examine this story together!

By William James Published on 19 Nisan 2024 : 20:38.
Who is Europa and how did she give her name to the continent Europa?

Europa, Agenor's daughter, grew up and flourished. While playing with his friends on the shores of Sidon, Zeus sees Europa and wants to be with her. However, he is afraid that his wife Hera will follow him and harm the girl. Thereupon, the flirtatious god Zeus makes a plan. With this plan, he aims to capture Europa without getting caught by Hera.

He takes the form of a beautiful bull whose horns resemble a crescent moon. This way, Hera won't recognize him. He goes to Europa with this form. Europa, frightened at first, then approaches the bull and, while petting the bull, finds herself on the back of the bull without realizing what is happening. The bull then suddenly stands up, dives into the sea, and runs non-stop all the way to Crete. There he hides from Hera under the shade of a plane tree and sleeps with Europa. He rewards the plane tree in memory of this beautiful day.

In Greek mythology, Europa was a Phoenician princess from Tyre, Lebanon and the mother of King Minos of Crete. The continent of Europe is named after her. The story of her abduction by Zeus in the form of a bull was a Cretan story; as classicist Károly Kerényi points out, "most of the love-stories concerning Zeus originated from more ancient tales describing his marriages with goddesses. This can especially be said of the story of Europa."

After Europa arrived in Crete, she had three sons with Zeus: Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Sarpedon. After Minos and Rhadamanthys died, they became judges in the Underworld, along with Aiakos of Aegina. Europa married Asterion in Crete and gave birth to Asterius. And she became Crete's mother (or stepmother).

Another version of the Europa legend

One day, Zeus, who is in heaven, begins to watch the world from above.

Edith Hamilton writes in her book Mythology that Europa was restless at that time and woke up early because of the dreams she had. She dreamed that two continents were trying to possess her. While Asia says that she gave birth to him and therefore he is the one who should have her, the other unnamed continent claims that Zeus offered Europa to him as a servant.

Since it is believed that these dreams that haunt mortals at dawn will come true, Europa wakes up completely from her sleep and goes to the meadows by the sea with her friends. This is their meeting place where they dance as they wish, bathe in the mouth of the river, and occasionally collect flowers.

They fill flower baskets with fragrant daffodils, hyacinths, and violets. All of these young women are more beautiful and elegant than the others. Yet Europa; With her pure and clear beauty, she stands out among them like Aphrodite, the goddess of love. It is said that Aphrodite had a hand in what happened next.

While Zeus watches Europa from above, Cupid, the elusive son of the goddess of love, shoots one of his arrows into Zeus' heart. Within seconds, Zeus falls madly in love with Europa. In some versions of the story, Aphrodite and Cupid's arrow are not included at all. Instead, it is said that Zeus spontaneously fell in love with the young girl.

Although Hera, who is the nightmare of all the unfortunate young girls with whom Zeus fell in love, is far away, Zeus does not want to leave anything to chance and turns himself into a bull before appearing to Europa. Europa approaches this animal, which has an unprecedented beauty compared to all the bulls she has seen on earth, unaware of what will happen. He caresses her slowly. Taurus has a voice as pleasant as music to the ears. Unable to control herself, Europa finds herself on the back of the animal.

Before the young girl's friends arrive, the bull starts running towards the sea with Europa on it. As it progresses, it brings waves behind it. They are accompanied by the sea gods Nereids, Tritons, and even Poseidon, the god of the seas, who is Zeus' own brother, as they sail through the sea on dolphins.

Europa realizes that a bull cannot do such a thing. It must be the work of a god. Fascinated by the beauty of this wonderful creature, the young girl begins to beg him and pity him for her forgiveness. This bull actually turns out to be exactly the person the young girl thought of Zeus.

Zeus tells her that there is nothing to fear, all this is just because of his love for her. He takes the young girl to Crete, the island where she hid from her mother's father, Kronos when she was born. Zeus returns to human form there. This couple, who were together under an evergreen tree, had three sons named Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Sarpedon. When these three men die in the future, they become the three great judges of the underworld; Among them, Minos founded the city of Knossos during his lifetime and gave his name to a huge civilization: Minoan Civilization.

Zeus really loves Europa. He spoils her with priceless gifts. One of these gifts is Talos, the bronze man who serves him personally. The second is Laelaps, the dog that can hunt anything he wants and never misses his prey, while his last gift is a spear that has the ability to hit the chosen target every time.

It is said that when Europa died, Zeus turned her into a constellation. He also takes the form of a white bull again. It is believed that the Taurus constellation is the shape of Zeus. Today, the name Europa has been given to one of Jupiter's moons, and it is quite special because it is believed to have water on it. Later, the name of this Phoenician princess was given to the European continent that we know today as Europe.