The man who understands the history of the earth by looking at the fossils: Who is Giovanni Arduino?

Looking at the fossils and the layers of soil, the changes in the earth and the idea of determining their time began to develop after the 17th century.

By David Foster Published on 27 Şubat 2023 : 21:17.
The man who understands the history of the earth by looking at the fossils: Who is Giovanni Arduino?

(1714-1795) Italian geological scholar. He prepared the foundations of stratigraphic chronology by classifying the four main layers that make up the earth's crust. He was born on October 16, 1714, in Verona. He died on 21 March 1795 in Venice. He was the child of a poor family; He spent a large part of his youth in the mines in the Alto Adige region, leaving his education in Verona. Later, he was one of the founders of geology by enriching this experience with scientific research.

The first time that the Earth has undergone a number of changes, for example, a number of sea animal fossils could be the traces of an ocean for the first time, but interest in this field, but interest in this field, but in the 16th and 17th centuries, Leonardo Da Vinci he has revived again when he brought it.

First, Steno concluded that the top of the top layers should be the youngest layer. In 1756, German geologist Lehmann claimed the existence of three main layers compared to their old. These were crystal rocks, layered rocks, and alluvial layers. Shortly after that, Arduino found an older layer than the alluvial layer. In this way, a new classification emerged: the oldest of the layers, the poems containing metal ores, the other, the other, the hard-stranded rocks with fossils between them, and the third was the “tertiary” rocks that were not yet tightened. Arduino observed this third layer on the mountainous slopes of Northern Italy. He pioneered the age of age by examining the fossils and using a number of chemical methods. His tertiary term was given to one of the geological periods.