One of the founders of the fascist militias: Who is Giuseppe Bottai?

He was sentenced to death in 1943 for being part of the group that prepared the return of Mussolini.

By Stephen McWright Published on 18 Nisan 2023 : 16:41.
One of the founders of the fascist militias: Who is Giuseppe Bottai?

(1895-1959) Italian politician. He is one of the founders of the fascist militias. He was born in Rome. He died in the same place. He played an important role in the establishment of fascist troops in Italy in 1919. In 1921, he became a deputy of the Fascist Party. He participated in the march on Rome as the commander of a unit. In the meantime, he started publishing life and started to write articles for the daily newspaper l'Epoca and Critica fascıta magazine.

Giuseppe Bottai (3 September 1895 – 9 January 1959) was an Italian journalist and member of the National Fascist Party of Benito Mussolini. Bottai died in Rome in 1959. At his funeral was Aldo Moro who, like Moro's father, had been Bottai's friend and assistant during his career.

In 1924 he became deputy secretary and head of the organization of the Fascist Party. He became an advisor to the Presidency of Corporations in 1926 and Minister of Corporations in 1929. During this duty, which he continued until 1932, he made great efforts for the implementation of the corporate economy. He became governor of Rome in 1935 and Minister of Education in 1936.

He was sentenced to death in 1943 for being part of the group that prepared the return of Mussolini. He fled to Algeria, then returned to Italy.