He almost single-handedly took on the mathematics of his time: Who is Godfrey Harold Hardy?

Harold Hardy was a pure mathematician, even Cambridge mathematicians called him the purest of pure mathematicians. Hardy prided himself on the abstraction and "uselessness" of his works. For him, the glory of mathematics was in its abstractness.

By Jane Dickens Published on 16 Şubat 2024 : 21:20.
He almost single-handedly took on the mathematics of his time: Who is Godfrey Harold Hardy?

Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877–1947) was an English mathematician known for his work in analytic number theory and mathematical analysis. He carried the mathematics of his time almost single-handedly. However, in an interview with Paul Erdős, when he was asked what his greatest contribution to mathematics was, he would say that it was the discovery of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Before moving on to the story of the duo, let's get to know him briefly.

Who is Godfrey Harold Hardy?

Hardy was born in 1877 into a family working in the academic sector. Typical of first-rate mathematicians, he displayed extraordinary intelligence from the very beginning. Hardy completed his education (as a boarding student) at Winchester, the best mathematics school in England at the time. This was where he met JE Littlewood, with whom he would later form some of his most remarkable research partnerships.

He subsequently studied at Trinity College, Cambridge. At Cambridge, his mathematical talent was quickly recognized and encouraged by his teachers. After graduating in 1900, he began teaching at Cambridge University.

Godfrey Harold Hardy (7 February 1877 – 1 December 1947) was an English mathematician, known for his achievements in number theory and mathematical analysis. In biology, he is known for the Hardy–Weinberg principle, a basic principle of population genetics. G. H. Hardy is usually known by those outside the field of mathematics for his 1940 essay A Mathematician's Apology, often considered one of the best insights into the mind of a working mathematician written for the layperson.

Harold Hardy was a pure mathematician, even Cambridge mathematicians called him the purest of pure mathematicians. Hardy prided himself on the abstraction and "uselessness" of his works. For him, the glory of mathematics was in its abstractness. In his famous book "In Defense of a Mathematician" he wrote:

“I didn't do anything useful. No invention of mine has made or can be expected to make, the slightest difference, direct or indirect, good or bad, to the welfare of the world. I helped train other mathematicians; but mathematicians of my own kind. Their work is as useless as mine, so far as I help. By all practical considerations, my mathematical life is nil; "It almost doesn't exist outside of mathematics."

Hardy had some obsessions. Technological devices were one of them, he could not stand them at all. He never wore a watch or used a phone. He did most of his correspondence via telegrams and postcards. He never liked being photographed. For this reason, only a few photographs exist today.

Hardy never married, and some say his only love was mathematics. Hardy's biggest passion after mathematics was cricket. In fact, according to one of his friends, if Hardy devoted half an hour every day to the stock market as much as he does cricket, he would be a very rich person.

The year 1911 saw the beginning of the Hardy-Littlewood collaboration, a partnership notable for its productivity and longevity. Over a 35-year period, the duo published almost 100 articles. The pair were instrumental in turning England into a superpower in mathematics, particularly number theory and analysis.

At the beginning of 1913, Ramanujan, who was fascinated by the book Orders of Infinity, wrote a letter to the mathematician Hardy, the author of the book. This letter changed both of their lives. At first, Hardy did not pay much attention to this letter, which was full of unreliable claims and strange theorems unsupported by any evidence. But something about the letter, perhaps its extreme strangeness, appealed to Hardy. After studying the letter for three hours, Hardy and his colleague Littlewood finally decided that they were faced with a genius.

Finally, Harold Hardy persuaded Ramanujan to come to London in 1914. It was clear to Hardy that Ramanujan was completely exceptional. But despite his incredible achievements in mathematics, Ramanujan lacked the basic tools required for the profession of a professional mathematician. Hardy knew that for Ramanujan to realize his potential, he needed a solid foundation in mathematics.

Despite his physical weakness, Ramanujan enrolled as a student at Cambridge University. In 1916 Ramanujan received his bachelor's degree from Cambridge and his research went from strength to strength. He published one excellent paper after another, with great help from Hardy in proofs and presentation.

They have also collaborated on many great projects and published great joint articles. Unfortunately, Ramanujan would die in 1920 at the age of 32. Hardy would describe his discovery of Ramanujan as "the only romantic event" in his life.

As time went by, Hardy became increasingly uncomfortable with the Cambridge intelligentsia. Tensions increased further with the deportation of his close friend Bertrand Russell. He eventually seized the opportunity to leave Cambridge and attend New College (Oxford) in 1920.

Hardy and Littlewood met in the early 20th century and together they contributed to the solution of many mathematical problems. They are particularly known for their work in number theory, analysis, and analytic theory, and they developed important theorems in this field. The work of Hardy and Littlewood still has a great influence in the world of mathematics, and the pair are considered important figures in mathematical analysis.

Hardy was in his early forties when he transferred from Cambridge to Oxford. However, he would describe this period as the spring of his life. During this period when Littlewood remained in Cambridge and the only form of communication between the two was by mail, they continued to produce remarkable works. However, he would return to Cambridge University in 1931. Although Hardy was less than happy with his return, the new generation of Cambridge mathematicians were certainly delighted to have him back.

However, his later years marked a gradual decline. The first blow came with a health problem he experienced in 1939. As a result of his illness, he would have to limit the time he spent outdoors. The last years of his life would be accompanied by constant depression. He attempted suicide in the early summer of 1947. A few weeks before his death, he was awarded the Copley Medal, the Royal Society's highest honor. A few days later he fell asleep and never woke up.