The most famous poet in Roman history: Who is Horace?

It is a common judgment that he gives direction to Western poetry. He was known as a famous roman satirist and poet.

By David Foster Published on 26 Nisan 2023 : 18:48.
The most famous poet in Roman history: Who is Horace?

Roman poet (65-8) “I hate the ignorant man in the street and I will not let him near me…” The famous Latin poet must have forgotten his origin when he said so in one of his poems. Because he was also the son of a freed slave. He was successful in his profession. He was a unit commander in the army of Brutus and Cassius in 23 BC. Although they were defeated by Antony, they were accepted into Rome. He came under the auspices of Maecenas. Emperor Augustus liked his satires very much.

Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8 December 65 – 27 November 8 BC), known in the English-speaking world as Horace, was the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus (also known as Octavian). The rhetorician Quintilian regarded his Odes as just about the only Latin lyrics worth reading: "He can be lofty sometimes, yet he is also full of charm and grace, versatile in his figures, and felicitously daring in his choice of words."

Horace; was a Latin poet (Apulia/Venusa 65 BC – Rome 8 BC).

He studied in Rome and Athens, and lost his wealth after his defeat (42 BC) as he served in Brutus' army, on his return to Rome he met the poet Virgil (70-19 BC) who was both forgiven and forgiven by the support of Emperor Augustus. He gained the protection of the poet Maecenas (69-8) BC. Avoiding the secretariat offered by Augustus, he rose to the rank of chief poet of Rome. His first poems were brought together much later under the name Carmina (Songs) (1927). It is accepted that Horatius gave the most mature examples of Latin poetry, continued the Greek lyric poetry tradition, and showed the most competent way of literary criticism with his letter called De arte Poetica (Poetry War). Another master product is that he wrote at the request of Augustus; It's a festive song. It is a common judgment that his work Carmen Saeculare (Song of the Age) directed Western poetry during and after the Renaissance.


His Poems