Philosopher physician who relates the soul to physiology: Who is John Abercrombie?

After a strict religious education, he became a physician. He tried to solve philosophical problems by looking at physiology.

By William James Published on 27 Mart 2023 : 15:36.
Philosopher physician who relates the soul to physiology: Who is John Abercrombie?

(1780-1844) Scottish philosopher and physiologist. He tried to prove the relevance of the Scottish School's theory of the soul to physiology. Born in Aberdeen, died in Edinburgh. As his father was an Anglican priest, he received a rigorously religious education that influenced his entire life. He became a doctor in 1803. He gained a great reputation with his extensive studies and studies in the field of physiology.

Abercrombie took a keen interest in philosophical problems arising from physiology and psychology. He argued that there are important connections between the problems of philosophy and the subjects of physiology, regarding human existence. He suggested that his students approach philosophy problems with physiology facts in the polyclinic he opened in order to ensure the application of theoretical knowledge to life. In his writings on nerve foci and the pathology of the digestive tract, he advocated the application of physiology methods to solve psychological problems. He put forward the view that the problem of examining the soul, which is the main subject of the philosophy that Reid and Dugald Stewart defend, can only be solved by establishing a connection with physiology. For this purpose, he embarked on long-term studies on physiology and mental abilities. In his work Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Povver and the Investigations of the Truth, he explained the problems of psychology in plain language and concisely.

According to him, the source of views on philosophy should be sought in the analysis of religious and moral problems based on scientific principles. The task of philosophy is to reconcile religious beliefs with moral rules. In investigating the connection between spirit and matter, there is a need to benefit from the belief data prescribed by religion. Therefore, a moral method to be put into practice in light of beliefs would be more beneficial. It can find solutions to problems by working with the same method of psychology and physiology.


Inquiries Concerning the Intellectual Power and the Investigations of the Truth, 1830,

The Philosophy of the Moral Feeling, 1833,

Pathological and Practical Research on Diseases of the Brain, IS26.