He spent his life chasing his daughter's murderer: Who is John Ward?

British Julie Ward disappeared in 1988 in the Masai Mara, Kenya. Her father, John Ward, who could not get the help he expected from the authorities, found his daughter's body parts through his own efforts. And then:

By Jane Dickens Published on 19 Haziran 2023 : 21:17.
He spent his life chasing his daughter's murderer: Who is John Ward?

The clues he gathered showed that the murderer was the son of the head of state at the time. Despite all his efforts, the father, who could not bring the murderer to justice, died at the age of 90. (June 2023)

British wildlife photographer Julie Ward (28) disappeared in 1988 in the Masai Mara, Kenya. Father John Ward, who received the news of his daughter's disappearance, immediately went to Kenya. When he saw that the authorities were not doing a proper search, he chartered 5 planes and searched from the air.

He spent his life chasing his daughter

Thus, he located his daughter's car. Then, during a search of the area, he found his daughter's jawbone and left leg burned. John Ward claimed that his daughter had been killed. However, in two separate official death reports, one said that his daughter was smashed by animals, and the other died as a result of a lightning strike.


Over the years, John Ward has traveled to Kenya many times to collect evidence. After 70, he received training and became a forensic specialist. He kept the DNA evidence he found at the site in his freezer. The clues he obtained indicated that the murderer was Jonathan Moi, son of Daniel Arab Moi, the then President of Kenya.

John Ward claimed that Jonathan Moi raped his daughter, then ordered his men to kill the woman and dismember the body, leaving the burned pieces for the lions to eat.


John Ward claimed that the British government, police, and intelligence units also helped the Kenyan government to conceal the incident. During this period, he was interrogated for a total of 28 days both in Kenya and England. Jonathan Moi died in 2019. John Ward continued to fight both to find those who dismembered the body and to bring those who tried to cover it up to justice.

He spent £2 million for this cause and went to Kenya 100 times. John Ward, who lost his wife Janette 2 weeks ago, died one month before his 90th birthday. His son, Bob Ward, said he would follow in his father's footsteps and do whatever he could to bring justice.