Ukrainian peasant leader who rebelled against the Russian tsar: Who is Kondraty Bulavin?

He was the leader of the Cossack peasant movement. He gathered a significant force of Kazakhs around him. He called on the people and asked: "Everyone to make every effort against foreigners coming from Russia".

By Stephen McWright Published on 5 Nisan 2023 : 17:49.
Ukrainian peasant leader who rebelled against the Russian tsar: Who is Kondraty Bulavin?

(1660-1708) Kondrati Afanasyevich Bulavin is from the Don Cossacks. Tryohizloyanski is the son of the Kazakh village Ataman (president). He was the head of the tribe in the expeditions organized by the Cossacks and became the expedition Ataman of the Don Cossacks.

The Bulavin Rebellion or Astrakhan Revolt was a war that took place in the years 1707 and 1708 between the Don Cossacks and the Tsardom of Russia. 

During the reign of Peter I, the pressures on the slave peasants increased, and the unbearable taxes caused them to flee en masse to the Don River and the surrounding salt fields. The brutality of the punitive units sent to the region to find and return the fugitives deepened the discontent of the people and created an atmosphere of spontaneous revolt.

Bulavin was, at this time, the Ataman of the Bahmut saltpans, where fugitive landed slave peasants and farmhands gathered. In 1704, he resisted the Tsarist officials who attempted to seize the saltworks in his region and imprisoned the czar's official Gorchakov, who came to investigate the incident.

Bulavin, who also gained the support of Astrakhan, Zaporojski, and Terski Cossacks, gathered a significant force of fugitive slaves and poor Cossacks around him. He called on the people and asked: "Everyone to make every effort against foreigners coming from Russia". By embarking on campaigns, he captured many cities, meanwhile Cherkassk, the capital of the Don Cossacks. He was declared the Don Troops Appointee by his own forces.

Bulavin had left some of his followers in Cherkassk. They prepared a trap for Bulavin and began to watch for an opportune moment. After his defeat at Azov, they besieged him on a farm. Seeing the predicament of his situation and not wanting to surrender alive, Bulavin shot himself. After his death, the rebellion, which lasted a few months in the Don tribes and in some cities of Russia, was completely suppressed.