The originator of Google: Who is Larry Page?

Would you like to be inspired by the origin story of Google and learn the 11 steps that led Larry Page to success?

By Stephen McWright Published on 21 Ekim 2022 : 10:54.
The originator of Google: Who is Larry Page?

Lowren, better known as Larry Page, is an American-born entrepreneur. His parents were academics in computer engineering at Michigan State University. Thanks to this, Larry had the chance to meet computers and technology very early, and he never left this chance and became one of the names that steered the fate of technology.

He started his education life in a Montessori school. He thinks that this situation has a great role in the development of his thoughts and in coming to this day. Nikola Tesla plays another important role in the life of little Lowren. Nikola Tesla, a tech genius, died in debt and was undervalued despite all he had done. This deeply affected our little Lowren. “I learned that inventing things is not enough. “For those inventions to be effective, you have to really bring them into the world and get people to use them.” Realizing that just inventing something is not enough, Larry has come to this day by working on this subject as well.

Lawrence Edward Page (born March 26, 1973) is an American business magnate, computer scientist and internet entrepreneur. He is best known for co-founding Google with Sergey Brin. 

Larry, who later came of college age, went to the University of Michigan. Here, like most university students, he participated in various activities; so his life wasn't just about technology. He was interested in music and learned to play the saxophone. He also became interested in the transportation industry. It even made it onto the university's electric vehicle team.

Two names cross paths: Larry and Sergey

Larry Page then went to Stanford University to pursue a Ph.D. Here, too, he met someone who would change his life: Sergey Brin. Sergey and Larry soon became close friends. Getting together for a project at school, Larry and Sergey built a search bot that sorted pages by popularity. Thus, the seed of Google was planted that day. In school, they called them 'Google Guys'.

When Larry turned 23, he was questioning whether it was possible to download anything on the Internet. With Sergey's help, they classified websites according to the links they contained. The two first named the search engine they were working on, BackRub. But they later derived the term Google from the Googol number written by adding one hundred 0 to the number 1.

They bought the domain in 1997 and their slogan was 'Don't be the Devil'. Later, the duo founded the Google company on October 4, 1998. In 2004, Google went public on the stock market.

Larry Page was the CEO of Google until 2001. He then handed over the task to Eric Schmidth. In 2015, he became the CEO of Alphabet. At first, Page wasn't too happy about handing over the CEO seat, but dealing with someone every day wasn't his thing, and finding someone like Eric was lucky. Eric would be a big hit for Google as well. Page was actively striving to improve Google's product and vision. He wanted Android, Andy Rubin's company, to Google and bought the company.

Larry Page took back the CEO seat that he transferred to Eric Schmidt in 2001 and began to reorganize the company's senior management. Before the end of 2012, the company produced Google Plus, the first Chromebook laptop, Google Glass, and high-speed internet service Fiber.

He took over as CEO again in 2015 and decided to take up the position of CEO of Google's parent company Alphabet. This was because Page wanted to work on and develop something much more ambitious.

In December 2019, Larry Page and Sergey Brin announced their resignation in a letter. In the letter, they handed over their dual duties, which said, "We think Alphabet and Google no longer need two CEOs and a president." Today, Larry Page remains the chairman of the board of directors at Alphabet.

Larry Page, who is interested in flying cars these days, is said to have invested in two companies that are developing flying cars. Larry Page lists the 11 steps he followed on his path to success:

1. Always deliver more than expected. Whatever you need to do, do more.

2. You don't need a team of 100 people to develop an idea.

3. Always work on things that make you more uncomfortable.

4. Many companies fail to achieve success over time. What is it basically doing wrong? They often miss the future.

5. Ignore the impossible.

6. The impact of small groups of people can be unexpectedly large.

7. Basically, our aim is to organize the world's knowledge in a systematic way and to make it universally accessible and useful.

8. Sometimes it is necessary to wake up and stop daydreaming. If you had a great dream, now is the time to get up and make it happen.

9. Never lose your dream, just try to realize it as a hobby.

10. If you're not doing something crazy, then you're working on the wrong things.

11. We must build wonderful things that do not exist.

Larry Page; He is not someone who likes to show off his wealth, but spends most of his time researching new technologies, meeting very smart people and investing in his dream - flying cars.

As a result, Page, the founder of a legend like Google, seems to continue to work wonders.

The Untold Story Of Larry Page's Incredible Comeback