A female novel character who loves luxury and ostentation: Who is Madame Bovary?

Madame Bovary, the famous novel written by Gustave Flaubert in 1856, is the hero of the story, as the name of the novel suggests. It is considered the first contemporary realist novel and was first published in 1857.

By William James Published on 24 Ekim 2023 : 20:27.
A female novel character who loves luxury and ostentation: Who is Madame Bovary?

The work, which was published as a reaction to the idealist romanticism movement, was one of the first and most important examples of the realism movement. Let us introduce you to the hero of this unforgettable work. The main heroine of the novel is a woman who lives in an extremely dreamy world, has ambitions, is very beautiful, and loves luxury and ostentation. She displays an irresponsible and selfish character by acting only with her emotions. She tries to experience the love experiences thereby constantly reading romance novels. She dreams of a luxurious and active life and wants to live it herself.

Brief Summary of Madame Bovary

You will definitely want to read the novel Madame Bovary, which is among the world classics. Especially after reading the short summary, this desire will increase even more. Here is the summary of her life full of passions and passions, which we can also call Madame Bovary's biography:

Madame Bovary originally published as Madame Bovary: Provincial Manners, is a novel by French writer Gustave Flaubert, published in 1856. The eponymous character lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life.

Charles Bovary worked as a doctor in a town in the 19th century. He has no ambitions and keeps to himself. He makes friends with Rouault, one of the town's notables. Rouault's wife is dead. After a while, he marries Rouault's daughter Emma. Emma is under the influence of the romantic stories she reads and expects excitement and passion in her life. She cannot meet her expectations. The aristocrat Marquis d'Andervilliers comes to their house and talks about his luxurious life in Paris, and Emma is impressed. She gets sick and is pregnant. Her husband takes her to the town of Yonville'l Abbaye to get well and they settle there. But Emma is unhappy because of her husband who does not understand her. Leon enters her life, but soon he gets bored of her demands and leaves the town. She begins a relationship with Rodolphe, one of the town's prominent figures. Actually, he doesn't love Emma, he just uses her. Emma gets into debt and begins to use her husband for her ambitions. Then Rodolphe leaves her and she continues to be confused and unhappy. Falling into debt, Emma asks her lover for a loan, but cannot get it, so she ends her life by drinking arsenic. Years later, her husband finds letters from her lovers.