Jewish writer who proves the existence of the Holocaust industry: Who is Norman Finkelstein?

He wrote about how the suffering of the Jews was exploited: Let's Get to Know the Author of the book, which reveals how the Holocaust, which Israel has never tried to exploit since its establishment, was used as an ideological weapon.

By William James Published on 20 Şubat 2024 : 16:18.
Jewish writer who proves the existence of the Holocaust industry: Who is Norman Finkelstein?

We all know him for his legendary response to a Jewish schoolgirl who was upset that he compared the state of Israel to the Nazis for what they did to the Palestinians. “I will not remain silent about today's oppression by using past pain as an excuse. I don't want to be silenced by crocodile tears!”

He did what he said. He always and everywhere rebelled against all kinds of ignoring, ignoring, and even exploiting the past sufferings of the Jews at the expense of being unemployed, and hence, the appropriation of Israel and being exposed to his actions.

Even though he was a Jew, he paid the most painful price for declaring war on Israel. Let's take a closer look at American political scientist and activist Norman Finkelstein's book "The Holocaust Industry", which was published in 2000 and made a big impact all over the world.

Norman Gary Finkelstein (born December 8, 1953) is an American political scientist and activist. His primary fields of research are the politics of the Holocaust and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Finkelstein was born to parents who are both Jewish Holocaust survivors in New York City in 1953. He has held faculty positions at Brooklyn College, Rutgers University, Hunter College, New York University, and DePaul University, where he was an assistant professor from 2001 to 2007. In 2006, the department and college committees at DePaul University voted to tenure Finkelstein, but he was not granted tenure, and he announced his resignation after coming to a settlement with the university on largely undisclosed terms.

This important work, which reveals how the Holocaust, which Israel has never tired of exploiting since its establishment, was used as an ideological weapon, and is currently on trial at the International Criminal Court on "genocide charges", needs to be kept on the agenda.

I think there is no one in the world who does not know what the concept of "Holocaust" is and what this concept includes. Someone who has never read an article or book on this subject has definitely watched a movie. At least he has heard of the movies Life is Beautiful, The Pianist, and Schindler's List. However, to talk about it briefly; Holocaust is a concept that describes the planned and systematic murder of approximately 6 million Jews during the reign of Nazi Germany led by Adolf Hitler. It is a Hebrew word and means "completely burned, burned to ashes". Contrary to conspiracy theories, the Holocaust is a painful tragedy, the likes of which we, unfortunately, witnessed many times afterwards, which was experienced as a historical event and from which we, as the entire human family, must learn lessons.

First of all, it is not easy to express an opinion about this genocide or say something about its content. Because anything can be talked about, discussed, and analyzed in depth, but expressing an opinion, putting forward an idea, or asking questions about the Holocaust is almost prohibited and considered a crime. Fortunately, the fact that the author of the book, which displays a critical approach from its very name, is the child of Jewish parents who survived the genocide, strengthens our position in discussing this issue.

Finkelstein, who opposes the policy implemented by Israel as an occupying state in the Palestinian territories and criticizes this situation on every platform, said that Israel's "immunity" lies behind its recklessness and that Western states, especially the USA, cannot raise a voice against Israel due to this armor of immunity. expressing.

This armor of immunity derives its strength from the Holocaust; in a sense, criticizing Israel is considered as opening the Holocaust/Jewish suffering/genocide to discussion, and thus Israel can continue to play the role of victim and be tolerated for what it has done. Drawing on his memories as someone who lost all his relatives in the genocide, Finkelstein emphasizes that until a certain date, the name of the Holocaust was never mentioned at home, in the family, in the circle of friends, and in the academic world, it was never talked about, and no one even hinted at the genocide.

It is interesting that from the date of the genocide until 1967, it was not talked about, not brought to the agenda, and even efforts were made to forget it. So, what happens when the Holocaust is suddenly brought into circulation? In June 1967, the 3rd Arab-Israeli war also called the "Six-Day War", took place.

Arab countries, defeated in the war in 1948, wanted to duke it out with Israel once again. While everyone was waiting for "war to be imminent", Israel's surprise attack came on the morning of June 5th. Israel, which had been preparing for this attack for years, suddenly destroyed the Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian air forces/warplanes where they were located. Then, Israel immediately launched an attack, seizing the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan and annexing them to their own territory. This war, in a sense, proved Israel's invincibility and power. Pointing out that Israel did not have an important place in American strategic planning from 1948, the date of its establishment, to 1967, Finkelstein says that after the Six-Day War, the US administration was impressed by Israel's overwhelming display of power and decided to turn it into a strategic investment: “ As Israel progressed towards becoming the US proxy in the Middle East, military and financial aid began to flow like water. "Israel coming under the wing of the USA was also a windfall for the American Jewish elite."

In a sense, the Six-Day War contributed to the creation of Israel's image as "a strong country that cut its own umbilical cord." This elevated Israel to the status of a reliable strategic partner in the Middle East for the US administration, and gave the US Jewish elites, who regained their self-confidence, the opportunity to act freely in all matters, especially lobbying activities, and to shape US policies. Thus, at a time when the Jews were at their strongest, they began to remind all people of the times when they were at their weakest, to attract attention and gain power through this. The Holocaust, which had been forgotten on the dusty shelves of history, began to be systematically brought to the agenda in 1967. It was strongly underlined that genocide had two unique features: 1- The Holocaust is a unique event that has no other precedent in history. 2- It is the culmination of the endless hatred of non-Jews against Jews.

While these two articles provide a "special status" to all Jews in the world, they essentially serve as a gift to Israel. Jews were victims of a brutality that no other person/people had been subjected to throughout history. This unique atrocity not only proves that the Jews are God's chosen servants but also makes those who commit this atrocity and those who do not speak out against it (all people other than Jews) feel guilty towards the Jews. It helps to legitimize the Israeli state, justify its occupation/operations in Palestinian lands, and put psychological pressure on other nations/peoples/states.

While the Holocaust attributes innocence to the Jews, it exempts Israel and the Jewish lobby around the world from even legitimate criticism. Even the slightest criticism of you will instantly cause you to be labeled as anti-Semitism. This belief that "we are unique and the genocide committed against us is also unique, it has not happened to anyone else but us" is the biggest reason for the hostility between Jews and Armenians today.

An important reason that pushed Norman Finkelstein to write The Holocaust Industry was the financial compensation paid to survivors of Nazi camps. Germany, which negotiated with Jewish organizations since 1950, paid 60 billion dollars to the victims. Stating that a large part of this compensation that Germany had to pay went to Jewish organizations engaged in lobbying activities instead of the actual victims, Finkelstein, in a sense, sheds light on Germany's current mood.

We have before us a country that could not get away by just paying compensation but has been a supporter of Israel and, of course, the Jewish lobbies under all circumstances.

The Jewish lobby, which got what it wanted from Germany "in every sense", turned its demand for compensation against Switzerland into a "tribute mechanism". To learn how Switzerland, which was cornered by both Jewish organizations and the US administration through falsified documents, exaggerated requests, and imaginary victims, claiming that the money deposited by Jews in Swiss banks during the war was not repaid, was forced to pay the requested money, is an insight into the workings of the Zionist mind. It is a good example of this logic.

The interesting part is that we learn that a significant portion of the money obtained as a result of the process leading up to the USA playing the economic sanctions threat card against Switzerland was transferred to the pockets of Jewish organizations engaged in lobbying activities and their leaders, rather than to the victims of the Holocaust. A detailed account of the pain and abuse, both material and spiritual, is revealed.