Excommunicated by the Church for his prophecies: Who is Nostradamus?

Nostradamus, who lived in the 16th century, is still mentioned today with his prophecies. Nostradamus' most notable prophecy concerns the Third World War. According to the prophecy mentioned in 'Les Propheties'...

By Stephen McWright Published on 26 Temmuz 2023 : 21:07.
Excommunicated by the Church for his prophecies: Who is Nostradamus?

Michel de Nostredame, who has different identities such as a doctor, writer, translator, and astrological consultant, but gained fame as a prophet, was born in 1503. It is claimed that the surname Nostredame came from his grandfather, who was Jewish. He received his first education in Medicine and Medicine at the Montpellier Faculty, where he enrolled in 1529. He married the daughter of a noble family in 1531. Although he had two children from this marriage, his wife and children died during the epidemic in 1534. He learned a great deal about Occultism from the Italian, Julius Caesar Skaliger, whom he met in Agen, who can be called the Renaissance intellectual.

Michel de Nostredame (December 1503 – July 1566), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French astrologer, apothecary, physician, and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties (published in 1555), a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events.

He married for the second time in 1547. He had six children from this marriage. The house where he lived with his second wife, Anne Ponsard, is now known as the Nostradamus Museum. He became famous for the special treatment methods and medicines he prepared during the plague epidemics in 1546-47. During his travels to Italy between 1547 and 1549, he met an alchemist in Milan. Learning from this alchemist, he published his first book on medicine in 1552. Interested in astrology, like all his contemporaries, Nostradamus began publishing an almanac containing prophecies based on celestial bodies from 1550 onwards.

Deciding to collect his prophecies in a book, he settled in the Salon-de-Provence in 1555. He published the first book of his famous 'hundreds', a total of ten, in Lyon in 1555. Since each of these books consists of floating quatrains, they are known as "hundreds". In 1558 he expanded his book further and dedicated it to the king. In 1560 he was appointed court physician.

Increasingly famous, Nostradamus became one of Catherine de Médicis' astrologers. In 1564, Catherine de Médicis summoned him to the palace for permanent residence and declared him a physician and adviser to King Charles IX. He was excommunicated by the Church in 1581 for his prophecies.

Expected prophecies of Nostradamus;


Until 2025, the Earth's axis will change and there will be seismic activities that will cause the Earth's axis to change, not just earthquakes,

In 2076, a 25-year-old World War 4 will probably break out between European, Asian, and African countries, and at the end of the war, a half-desert world will be left,

In 2106, the end of the 4th World War and the beginning of the 1000-year period of peace, extraordinary inventions and developments that are difficult to even think about will emerge and there will be a high standard of living,

In 3750, there will be a new war and a wave of fear that has never been experienced before,

He claimed that in 3797, it would be the last day and that humankind would attain immortality when the earth and sky took on a brand new environment.