She is considered one of the most important volleyball players in the world: Who is Paola Egonu?

Here is the story of hardworking accounting graduate Paola Egonu, who started volleyball with her father's encouragement to "get a hobby" and whose biggest dream is to become a lawyer...

By Jane Dickens Published on 18 Ekim 2022 : 15:41.
She is considered one of the most important volleyball players in the world: Who is Paola Egonu?

Her full name is Paola Ogechi Egon.

Despite many achievements and trophies in her career, Paola Egonu is only 23 years old! Egonu, who is 1.93 cm tall, acts as a setter's cross. Egonu was born on December 18, 1998 in Cittadella, Italy, to a Nigerian family. The Nigerian-born Italian star started playing volleyball as a child. She wore the jersey of Club Italia at the age of 13 she. Egonu, who made a name for herself during the seasons she played in this team, transferred to Imoco Volley Conegliano, one of the most important volleyball teams of Italy, in 2019.

Her ego also achieved great success in Imoco Volley Conegliano. In this team, she won many trophies, especially the Italian league championship, the Super Cup and the CEV Champions league. She also had the chance to carry the Olympic flag representing Europe at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Increasing in popularity thanks to her effective performance and achievements on the field, Egonu was also included in the list of Europe's most influential people under the age of 30 in 2021.

Family is very important

Egonu talks about the encouragement she received from her family behind the scenes of starting her volleyball career at an early age and what she has achieved despite her young age.

Before Egonu's family came to Italy from Nigeria, her father, Ambrose, was a truck driver in Lagos. Her mother was a nurse. Explaining that her family's migration to Italy was the breaking point in her life, the successful athlete said, "The decision they made was about survival. I can see the courage they have by looking at these decisions. They weren't content with what they got after coming here. They are in Manchester now and they are still working."

This courageous decision made by her family both guides and encourages Egonu to chart her own path. While her family moved to Manchester to work, she ventured into volleyball in Milan at the age of 14, risking being away from home.

Egonu, who is very good at school, describes herself as a 'nerd', so to speak. Egonu, who is very good with her lessons, is not very interested in any sports at a young age. She spends her time in front of the television in her spare time. At that time, she met volleyball with her father's suggestion that 'you should get yourself a hobby'.

She started her volleyball career in the team of the city where she was born. At the age of 14, she received Italian citizenship, with her father issuing an Italian passport. After obtaining Italian citizenship, the rapid rise in her volleyball career is gaining momentum. Carrying the teams she played in the lower age categories to the championship, Egonu manages to enter the national team before she reaches the age of 15.

The story of the national team goes back to carrying the Italian flag in the parade at the Olympic Games in 2021.


While fascinated by her talent in volleyball, she also continues her academic career. The biggest dream of Egonu, who is an accounting graduate, is actually to become a lawyer. The idealist volleyball player, who says she wants to do her part to minimize inequality in the world, desires to get a law degree in the coming years.

Egonu, who describes herself as Afro-Italian, has not lost touch with Nigeria. The talented name, who has a small family of 13 people, goes to Nigeria for Christmas every two years and meets with her close relatives. Terry Enweonwu, Egonu's cousin who has two brothers named Angela and Andrea, is also a volleyball player like herself.


Paola Egonu's life, which earns approximately 400 thousand euros a year, does not consist of volleyball, although she loves it very much. Egonu, who is interested in kitchen as a hobby, says that she is also very interested in extreme sports, but she admits that she does not have the courage to do such exciting sports because she is a perfectionist in sports. She also underlines that she is a pessimistic and moody person ...

She is against getting tattoos... She has no tattoos on her body because she sees her body as a temple as per her belief and wants it to remain as pure as it was on the first day until the end of her life.

Another little-known detail about Paola's Ego is that she voiced the character Sognaluna in the Disney Pixar animated Soul...


Paola Egonu was with her ex-Fenerbahce volleyball player girlfriend Katarzyna Skorupa until 2018, but they broke up later because they couldn't get along. The successful actress has not had another known relationship since then.

Egonu, who never hides that she likes women, describes her sexual orientation in a statement she gave in 2018 with the following words; "I admit I like women. And I don't regret saying it out loud. But that doesn't mean I won't fall in love with a man someday. I don't feel the need to hide my feelings. Why do people worry about who I'm with instead of talking about Volleyball I play?"


The Afro-Italian athlete, who is the daughter of an immigrant family and stands on her own feet from a young age, underlines her battle against racism in every wide interview she gives. In a statement she gave in 2020, she described the difficulties her mother experienced with these words:

"I was also exposed to racism. People always underestimated my mother because of her skin color. Sometimes we were racist even in a bank, but as people got to know me, their views and attitudes towards my mother changed. This situation made me very sad inside. Sometimes I still ask myself; Why is she humiliated just by looking at skin colours. Aren't we all human? I can't understand... Culture, belief and sexual preferences are the differences that should exist in society. These differences are of great importance for people to develop and know themselves. Especially the new generation is more aware of these issues. must have an open mind..."


Paola Egonu reacted to the United States targeting of Asian countries during the coronavirus pandemic that broke out in China in 2019 and then spread all over the world and argued that this was a kind of racism.

The young athlete said, "As human beings, we are very selfish and only think about ourselves. We never empathize. Do we ask ourselves why immigrants have to leave their country? Once we try to understand them, we can actually find a solution. I do not understand where this hatred comes from and why we categorize people. I I'm a very emotional person and it hurts me a lot. For example, America always points to Asian countries when it comes to coronavirus. It's like Asians deliberately produced the virus... I can't understand why people choose this way to hurt others.


The American President of the time, Donald Trump, used the expression "Chinese Virus" instead of the coronavirus in his statements from time to time, and his style caused a crisis between the two countries.

China, which gave a heavy response to Donald Trump, said, "Some politicians in the USA are trying to defame China by associating the coronavirus with China. We strongly oppose this, we call on the United States to stop blaming China."

18 Secrets to Being a Star

Paola Egonu is also a very influential figure on social issues in Italy. She also talks about the racist attacks she faced as a child in her book titled “18 Secrets to Being a Star” that she published recently. On the other hand, Egonu gives important advice to children and young athletes in the same book.

Transfer (May 2022)

Paola Egonu transferred to VakıfBank Women's Volleyball Team, Turkey's successful team. Finally, VakıfBank won the CEV Champions League, the most important volleyball organization in Europe, for the 5th time and became the champion of the champions league, and with this championship, it won its 11th international championship.

October 2022

Paola Egonu is planning to quit the national team due to the racist behavior she has been subjected to.

The speech Paola Egonu had with her manager after Italy's 3-0 victory over the USA at the World Championships, shook the volleyball world. Egonu was heavily criticized for her performance, while Italy lost their chance to the final by losing to Brazil 3-1 in the semi-finals.

In her video that fell on social media, Egonu tearfully told her manager Marco Raguzzoni, "You can't understand, you can't understand… This was my last game in the national team. They even asked me why I was wearing the Italy jersey. I am tired,” she was seen saying.

While rumors about Egonu's departure from the national team spread rapidly with the release of the video, Egonu made a statement to Skysport, "It hurts me to be attacked by being targeted every time. Because I put my heart into it and never failed to show respect. Those who question my being Italian make me wonder why I should represent them in this jersey. I need some rest, I want to have a free summer,” she said.