The Most French Brit: Who is Paul Forman?

The third season of Emily in Paris met with the audience on December 22, 2022. Paul Forman, who has just joined the cast this season, plays the heir apparent of one of the world's largest luxury fashion houses.

By David Foster Published on 30 Aralık 2022 : 00:26.
The Most French Brit: Who is Paul Forman?

A young Midwestern American woman is hired by a marketing company in Paris to provide an American perspective on products. And Emily's Paris series begins...

Any fun facts about Paul?

Paul sings and plays the guitar, and he occasionally posts videos of himself doing so on his Instagram profile.

Can you tell us a little about your role, Paul?

Consider the family that owns the world's largest luxury fashion house, and I play the son of that family. This character is trying to prove himself to life. He tries to put aside the influence of nepotism on people. Emily wants to work with him but there will be an interaction between them, let's not go into too many details (Laughs) The character I play also has an international story. Because that's how I am, I had a very close relationship with the character, it was a dream role. I watched Emily in Paris for the first time during the pandemic. This series provides an escape. We all agree that watching scenes from summer in the middle of winter brings a different beauty, it feels good. This business has turned into a global phenomenon. Everything will be more stylish and flashy in the new season if I have to give a little hint.

Who is Paul Forman?

Paul Forman is a British and French actor who currently lives in London. He graduated from the Drama Studio London in 2016. Paul Forman is currently 28 years old, making him a similar age to some of his Emily in Paris cast members, who are in their late 20s to early 30s. This may not be the first time you've seen an acting performance from Paul. The 28-year-old has previously appeared in the recent Amazon Prime series Riches as Luke. He's also had roles in the TV series The Spanish Princess and Frank of Ireland.

How did you get chosen for this role?

I sent Emily's video recording for Paris audition in a very busy week, so I didn't have time to think much about anything. In the same week, I got the news that I got the role. I was very happy, but I did not even have time to experience this joy, the work started immediately. I was included in the third season of the series and the team took me in very warmly, I was not expecting this, and it was very nice to feel it.

There have definitely been more American tourists on the streets of Paris since Emily in Paris began airing. What do you think about this subject?

First of all, I must say that it was not even possible to dine with the crew in Paris during the shoot! Imagine being stopped every second we're outside. Of course, there was an interesting aspect of this subject for me because people did not know that I was playing in the new season of the series, so I could look at what happened from the outside. People loved this job. I think the series is a master at showing the most beautiful spots and the most beautiful aspects of Paris. The series definitely played a role in bringing more tourists to this city. Both the scenes where we see Paris itself and this team play a role in this. I'm half French half English and I didn't spend much time in Paris, but my favorite place in Paris was the streets of Paris, walking in Paris is the most beautiful part of Paris, in my opinion, it also affected the audience.

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