Dutch journalist threatened by the PKK: Who is Rena Netjes?

Dutch journalist Rena Netjes, who prepared a report on the PKK's massacres in Syria and its propaganda network in Europe, announced that she and her family had received countless death threats from the terrorist organization.

By William James Published on 3 Ocak 2023 : 21:19.
Dutch journalist threatened by the PKK: Who is Rena Netjes?

Dutch independent journalist Rena Netjes said in her study that the terrorist organization, especially the US-backed Syrian extensions PYD/YPG, played the three monkeys of Europe against the crimes.

Netjes shared on her Twitter account that she had received numerous death threats from the PKK against her and her family.

Rena Netjes is an Arabist who focuses on governance and security issues in northern Syria. Netjes used to be a correspondent in Egypt and Libya. Her writings and bylines have appeared in outlets such as The New York Times, De Telegraaf and Atlantic Council.


In her post, the independent journalist stated that she received death threats from members of the terrorist organization or its supporters. Noting that she has been receiving these messages for the last few weeks, Netjes said, “I have been receiving death threats and warnings from Rojava accounts (including Paris). "I'm paying the price for exposing PYD propaganda," she said. The journalist also stated that the terrorist organization opened fake obscene profiles on behalf of "Rana Netjes".


Netjes announced that she received death threats from the PKK/YPG terrorist organization via e-mail as well as social media accounts. Netjes, who tried to make her voice heard by tagging the social media accounts of the US, European Parliament members, and political authorities from her country, said, "I interviewed journalists whose colleague was killed after being threatened, and several Syrian Kurds who survived the assassination attempt by the PKK or were on the PKK's death list." She said she took the threats seriously.


The independent journalist also shared the threatening messages sent to him. In one of the e-mails sent, the terrorist organization noted the message "We will be your nightmare" along with a photo of a gun bullet. In another message sent to the e-mail address created by the PKK/YPG, “We know everything about you and your family. We will be your nightmare”. In another e-mail, the terrorist organization sent an image from the deep web stating that a hitman was hired to kill the journalist. Along with the image, “We are Kurdish punishers. Do you know that your life is worth 9 thousand dollars? And this will be the easy way, without getting our hands dirty. We've already hired a hitman to kill you. We are following you” message was delivered. In the e-mails sent, it was seen that the names of the journalist's family were shared.


After the journalist's post, many people sent a message of support. The US and European countries that supported the PKK/YPG in the shared messages also received their share of criticism. A user who tagged the US Central Command (CENTCOM) accounts and the US Embassy in Turkey and Syria accounts in a message asked, “Will you do anything about the crimes and threats of your local partners?” On the other hand, the silence of Washington and Brussels when the journalist was threatened did not go unnoticed.


In her online study titled "Rebel, Democrat, Terrorist: YPG/PYD" published in April 2021, the Dutch researcher interviewed refugees who left the country during her research in Syria and reported the relocation policy of the terrorist organization.
