She took the seat of Elon Musk in 2018: Who is Robyn Denholm?

Elon Musk, who was accused of manipulating and deceiving investors with a tweet he sent in 2018, had a disagreement with the SEC, which regulates the US stock markets, and then had to go to a compromise.

By Stephen McWright Published on 7 Şubat 2023 : 01:58.
She took the seat of Elon Musk in 2018: Who is Robyn Denholm?

According to this agreement, Musk was forced to leave the Tesla Board of Directors with a $ 20 million penalty. In other words, it was decided to remove him from the board of directors. Then Elon Musk gave up his seat on Tesla's board of directors. In this process, of course, the most curious thing about the subject was who will take over this task instead of Elon Musk.

Robyn M. Denholm (born 27 May 1963) is an Australian business executive. In November 2018, Denholm succeeded Elon Musk as chair of Tesla, Inc.

Denholm, who worked at the telecommunications company Telstra at that time, replaced Musk.

Robyn has extensive experience in both the technology and automotive industries.

But who is Robyn Denholm, who sits on the Tesla Board of Directors?

Denholm, the first woman on the Tesla board, has actually been on Tesla's board for four years. She even made history as the first female member of the nine-person board of directors, including Elon Musk and his brother Kimbal Musk. As a board member for four years, his duties included overseeing the company's accounting and financial reporting.

Served as CFO at Telstra

Denholm, who took over as Tesla Chairman, was originally the CFO of Australia's largest telecom company.

No stranger to technology and the auto industry

Denholm has held positions at Juniper Networks, Sun Microsystems, and Toyota Australia. Denholm said in a statement on the subject: “I am a car enthusiast and passionate about innovation. That's why Tesla is the perfect board role for me.

Her family owned a gas station

Although she is the chairman of the board of the most famous electronic car company in the world, it is known that Denholm's family actually owned a gas station in New South Wales.

Tesla vehicle has

Although her childhood years were spent with gasoline vehicles, she actually owned a Tesla before she joined Tesla's board of directors.