Horror's favorite name: Who is Stephen King?

He is also the author of masterpieces such as "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile". It is impossible not to be admired, not loved. He has managed to touch a fine point of each heart so well under all circumstances...

By William James Published on 25 Ekim 2022 : 21:25.
Horror's favorite name: Who is Stephen King?

In a nutshell: Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947 in Portland, USA. When he was 2 years old, his mother and father separated.

He started studying Science at university. It was here that he met his future wife, Tabitha.

Stephen King has written more than 60 novels. He is known for his series called The Dark Tower, which started in 1982 and ended in 2005.

King was only 16 at the time, who began writing his first stories in 1963. He collected these stories and published them as a book.

The year he started teaching at Hamden College, he was continuing his writing career.

Her first novel, "Carrie," was published in 1974. Then came the novels "Shining" and then "The Stand".

Who is Stephen King?

When Stephen was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine, USA, the son of Nellie Ruth Pillsbury and Donald Edwin, his parents named him "Stephen Edwin King". The life he opened his eyes to would sometimes bring him joy, sometimes tears, as it does to every human being...

His father, Donald Edwin King, was a merchant sailor born with the surname Pollock. However, he later changed his last name to King.

When the Kings divorced, Stephen was only 2 years old and stayed with his mother, along with his brother David. He was one of those kids who shuttled back and forth between mom and dad. He took his steps with both the long roads and the divided feelings he had to deal with. His mother lived in Portland Maine and his father lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana. His mother raised him and his older brother David alone. They suffered great hardships and a lack of money.

Stephen was 11 when he moved to Durham with his mother and David. He completed his education here, which lasted until the end of high school. In 1966, when he had to make a choice for university, Orono began studying Science at the University of Maine…

Years of writing

It was H P Lovecraft's "The Lurker Of The Threshold" storybook that inspired Stephen to write, which he learned belonged to his father. He had found this book in the attic of their house, like a mischievous child. It also had a picture of a demon on it.

He was so impressed when he read it that in his life divided between his mother and father, Stephen found the solution to every emotion he could not get out of in writing. He was a young boy of 16 when he began to write his first stories. Others just needed time to start reading, but obviously, it was good for him. Moreover, he was talented.

King suffered major trauma as a child, but he did not remember all of that trauma. He witnessed, or thought he was, a friend of his being hit by a train and killed. However, he could never remember the whole incident. After leaving the house to play with his friend, he returned home speechless and seemingly shocked. However, King did not say anything to his family. Later, his family learned of his friend's death. Some commentators suggest that this event may have psychologically inspired some of King's darker works.

When the opportunity arose in 1967 to publish the stories he had written, he made his first professional short story sale to Starling Mystery Stories, a story he named "The Glass Floor."

When he graduated from university in 1970, he could not find a job; he started a job he saw as a temporary job in a laboratory. At the same time, he continued to write. He was now publishing his stories in magazines. It was at this time that he began to be known as a storyteller…

By the way, when he first started writing, he was using the name "Richard Bachman". He called the first book he wrote with this signature “Rage”; It was about a high school student who shot his classmate with a gun. Later, however, a high school student named Jeffrey Lyne Cox took his classmates' prisoner and turned out to be influenced by the book. When a similar event recurred three more times, this book was banned in America, never to be published again.

When Stephen King later decided to write under his own identity, Bachman retired after his death from cancer.

Stephen King got married

Stephen and Tabitha Spruce met in college. In essence, a calm and passionate love was born between them. One year after graduating from university in 1970, they crowned this love with marriage. They had two sons, named Owen and Joe Hill, and a daughter named Naomi.

"Television isn't bad, I'm not against it, but I don't like it when it cuts you off from the world and binds you only to your own glass. At least in that respect the radio was better". This sentence is from the cinematographic novel “The Green Mile” by Stephen King. He actually thought so. So much so that he and Tabitha had three radio stations that they had set up in their home in Maine…

The first novel and accelerating life

He could not find a job immediately after college, but they had stories. Of course, they were up to a point. Fortunately, at the end of 1971, he started working as a teacher at Hamden College in Main. Of course, he continued to look for ways to improve himself in writing.

He continued to write and finally published his first novel, which he named "Carrie," in the spring of 1973. In fact, he had written Carrie primarily as a story. Then for some reason, he was not satisfied and threw it away. But his beloved wife Tabitha saw the potential in the story. He encouraged Stephen to keep writing. That's how this novel came to be. At the time of publication, Stephen, of course, dedicated his novel to his wife, Tabitha.

He was even more confident now with this big step that was officially taken. As soon as his novel came out, he had already started writing a new one. So he moved to Colorado and when he finished his novel "The Shining", which took a year, he returned home to Maine. Before the year was up, he published his third novel, The Stand.

Later, in an interview with the BBC, he said that the character of the novel closest to him among the characters he had created until then was "Jack Torrance" in the novel "The Stand". At the time of writing his novel, he was drinking heavily, just like Jack. This was the most distinctive feature reflecting the period in which he wrote.

Yes, the '80s were when Stephen was addicted to alcohol. “The Onion” even claimed in an article it published that it does not remember how Stephen King wrote his novel “Transparent”. Stephen admitted to this claim, not only that, he admitted that he had many novels, including “Kujo”, which he did not remember how he wrote…

Stephen King on the rise

Stepping forward in writing, Stephen was also in good shape financially. They moved to a new house in 1977. They did not change cities, but their house was much better than before.

After 1980, he devoted himself entirely to writing. It was almost like a machine in mass production. He wrote many novels and stories one after the other, which he named "The Dead Zone", "Firestarter", "Pet Sematary", "The Dark Half", "Needful Things", and "Rose Madder".

In 1981, he published his work called "Dance Macarebe". This work detailed how fear was handled in American Literature and Cinema with comparative analysis. He was awarded the "Hugo B N Award" for this work. In 1999, he won the "Bram Stoker Award" for his novel "Bag of Bones".

King was no doubt progressing so well thanks to his eye that always saw what no one else saw. For example, when revealing the terrifying clown in his famous novel "It", Mcdonald's mascot was inspired by Ronald McDonald...

He began writing his most intriguing series, "The Dark Tower", in 1982. Undoubtedly, the preparation phase of the works that would have great repercussions was arduous. Stephen completed this series in 2004.

Books with movies

Stephen, who continues his writing career, which he officially started in 1967, has brought more than 60 novels and stories to literature. These works had such an impressive aspect that many of them were adapted for the big screen. Along with the adaptations, his stories, which were made into a series or a movie, exceeded 70...

The first film adaptation was "Carrie," directed by Brian de Palma in 1976. The first of the best-known ones was "The Shining," which was directed by Stanley Kubrick and was filmed in 1980. Subsequent hits include “Misery” in 1990, “The Shawshank Redemption” in 1994, “Green Mile” in 1999 – starring Tom Hanks – in 2004 “Secret Window” – starring Johnny Deep – 2007 In “1408” – starring John Cusack and Samuel Jackson – came “The Mist” again in 2007.

Obsession with the number 13

There's no limit to how obsessed a Virgo can be. Stephen King is also among those who have trouble with Triskaidekaphobia. But this obsession is so ingrained in his life that Stephen is absolutely terrified of the number 13. He explains his fear as follows:

“When it comes to the number 13, that chill that goes up and down my spine never goes away. When I'm writing, I never stop when I come to a page that is 13 or a multiple of 13, I keep writing until I reach a 'safe' number. I take the last two steps on my house ladder in one step so that I have taken 12 steps instead of 13. While reading, I do not stop at any page whose numbers add up to 94, 193, 382, ​​or 13”.

Stephen King today

Stephen King announced in 2002 that he had quit writing because he thought he was repeating himself. Of course, his imagination was still working and he couldn't stop writing. Of course, he continued to produce new works, regardless of his explanation. For example, in 2016, he released "End Of Watch".

Obviously, Stephen King will never stop writing. Undoubtedly, we are also reading it and waiting for what imagination will add to our lives.