Legendary Archer of the Trojan War and Founder of Ancient Salamis: Who is Teucer?
Teucer, the son of the great warrior Telamon king in Greek Mythology, was a very good archer. He fought alongside his brother Ajax in the Trojan War. Despite the tricks and tragedies of the war, he was removed and exiled.

Homer's epic poem, the Iliad, is filled with the names of many heroes. For example, some of the most famous characters on the Greek front are Achilles, Agamemnon, Odysseus, and Menelaus. On the Trojan front, it includes Hector, Aeneas, Sarpedon and Glaucon, best known as heroes. However, not all warriors in the Iliad are considered heroes.
One of the signs of a cowardly character is that they use bows and arrows instead of spears and armor. The most famous of these is the king of Troy and Paris, who kidnapped Helen. Unlike the modern and heroic portrayal of the character in the movie, Homer's Paris is a cowardly character. All Sagittarius users are portrayed badly and cowardly. However, Teucer is seen as a very good archer.
In Greek mythology, Teucer, also Teucrus, Teucros or Teucris, was the son of King Telamon of Salamis Island and his second wife Hesione, daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. He fought alongside his half-brother, Ajax, in the Trojan War and is the legendary founder of the city of Salamis on Cyprus. Through his mother, Teucer was the nephew of King Priam of Troy and the cousin of Hector and Paris—all of whom he fought against in the Trojan War.
Teucer is the son of Telamon, king of the island of Salamis. Being the son of a second wife made Teucer appear illegitimate. Teucer's mother is the sister of Priam, who was King of Troy during the Trojan War. This means that Teucer was the nephew of the Trojan King, as well as the cousin of Hector and Paris. Teucer fought on the Greek front throughout the war.
Teucer also had a half-brother. His brother was Ajax the Great, the son of the Greek hero Telamon. The feature that distinguishes him from the others was his participation in the Trojan War. His wife is Periboea. Teucer and Ajax were cousins of the legendary hero Achilles.
Teucer tried to kill Hector but missed twice.
The tragedy of Teucer Sophocles reappears in Ajax. In the tragedy, Teucer plays an important role in ensuring that Ajax's body is properly buried after he commits suicide. According to the Roman poet Ovid, Ajax battled Odysseus after the war in order to get Achilles' weapons. Odysseus won this fight with his effective speech, and Ajax was extremely unhappy with this situation. According to what Ovidius wrote, Ajax committed suicide there out of grief.
When Teucer returned to Salamis, he had given his father the news of Ajax's death. His father exiled him. Because he left Ajax in time of need and did nothing to prevent his death.
Teucer went to the island of Cyprus with his loyal followers to establish a new homeland. When he arrived on the island, he found a new city and named it Salamis in honor of his birthplace.