The best playwright ever: Who is William Shakespeare?

His father was a merchant, so he was financially well, but he didn't go to college. When he was 18, he married a woman 8 years older than herself. Here are the unknown of William Shakespeare's life:  

By Stephen McWright Published on 5 Ocak 2023 : 16:15.
The best playwright ever: Who is William Shakespeare?

World famous English writer William Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564 in England. His father was John Shakespeare, a city councilman and a leather merchant, and his mother was Mary Arden, a rich landowner. Shakespeare, who had almost no record of his childhood and his education, was presumably going to King New School in Stratford, where he taught reading, writing and classics.  

Shakespeare became one of the founding members of Lord Chamberlain's Men, an acting company. The company, considered the most important group of its time, changed its name to King's Men after King James I was crowned in 1603. 

The records showed that in 1592, Shakespeare made a living as an actor and playwright in London. In 1597, Shakespeare already wrote and published 15 of 37 play. Civilian records show, he bought the second largest house in Stratford, New House, for his family. So, it was also known that Shakespeare was popular and had published and sold works.


Shakespeare's first recorded works were written in the early 1590 during the period of historical drama. These are: III. Richard and the three-part VI. Henry. The history of Shakespeare's plays was not certain, yet his works of the texts, Titus Andronicus, The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew and The Two Gentleman of Verona showed that Shakespeare could have been his first plays. 

The Comedy of Errors also relied on classic models, but no resources were found for The Taming of the Shrew. However, it was thought that it might be linked to another game with the same name and derived from a folk story. A Midsummer Night's Dream was a relapse of romance, fairy magic and funny rough scenes.  

Shakespeare's next comedian, equally romantic, Merchant of Venice, included a vengeful Jewish moneylender Shylock, depicting the mind of the Elizabeth era, but might seem inappropriate to the modern audience. The intelligence and wordplay of Much Ado About Nothing, the dramatic country setting of As You Like It, and the energetic revel of Twelfth Night round out Shakespeare's big comedy series.  


Making the characters more complex and sensitive, Shakespeare began and ended with two tragedies this period: sexually charged youth, love and the famous romantic tragedy of death, Romeo and Juliet; and Julius Caesar, based on the 1579 Thomas North translations of the by Plutarch's Parallel Lives, who introduced a new kind of drama. 

In the early 17th century, Shakespeare wrote the so-called "problem plays" Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida, and All's Well That Ends Well and a number of his best known tragedies. The titular hero of one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies, Hamlet, has probably been discussed more than any other Shakespeare character, especially for his famous soliloquy which begins "To be or not to be; that is the question". 

The sequence of events of the Shakespeare tragedies often revolve over such fatal mistakes or flaws that disrupt order and destroy the heroes and loved ones. Antony and Cleopatra and Coriolanus, Shakespeare's last major games, contain some of Shakespeare's most beautiful poems. And poet and critic T. S. Eliot was considered as Shakespeare's most successful tragedies.  


By 1599, Shakespeare and his business partners set up their own theater on the south side of the River Thames called the Globe. The records of Shakespeare's real estate acquisitions and investments showed that the company made him a rich man. 

With all the games and poems he wrote and published, he was called as England's national poet and "Bard of Avon." His works reached the present day, along with some co-written, were composed of 38 games, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems and a few other poems of unknown origin.  

Shakespeare's marriage and children 

Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway on November 27, 1582 in Worcester in Canterbury County. Hathaway came from Shottery, a small village a mile west of Stratford. When they got married, Shakespeare was 18 and Anne was 26. First they had a daughter named Susanna. Then a boy named Hamnet and a girl named Judith came into the world. Hamnet died of unknown causes at the age of 11. 

Shakespeare's death  

After 1606–1607, Shakespeare wrote fewer games and none were attributed to him after 1613. It was estimated that the last three plays were then co-written with John Fletcher, the playwright of King's Men. Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, when he was 52, leaving his wife and two daughters behind.Judith married a wine merchant and had three children. But all of her children died before they were married. Susanna married a medical in 1607 and had a child named Elizabeth. Elizabeth's been married twice, but she never had a child. So the two remaining girls didn't have a child of Shakespeare's direct descendants, and in 1670, Elizabeth was extinct with her death. 

Shakespeare's works 

- Hamlet 

- Romeo and Juliet  

- Macbeth

- Merchant of Venice

- The Taming of the Shrew

- Julius Caesar 

- A Midsummer Night's Dream 

- The Comedy of Errors 

- Venus and Adonis

- The Rape of Lucrece 

- Timon of Athens

- Antony and Cleopatra

- Twelfth Night 

- Love's Labour's Lost 

- King John 

- Othello 

- King Lear 

- Much Ado About Nothing 

- As You Like It 

- All's Well That Ends Well