Author of Don Quixote: Who is Cervantes?

Author of Don Quixote: Who is Cervantes?

According to the laws of that period, duels were strictly prohibited and heavy penalties were given to those who did it. It is decided that Cervantes, who is dueling, will have his right hand cut off from the wrist in front of the public and exiled outside the borders of the Kingdom of Spain for ten years. Later...

Who invented Murphy's Laws?

Who invented Murphy's Laws?

Thanks to Murphy's Laws, which we hear often, we gain the courage and motivation to approach the sinister events that humorously happen to us, to cope with the problems, and to overcome the difficulties. But who is the person who invented these laws?

Highly myopic sculptor: Who is Auguste Rodin?

Highly myopic sculptor: Who is Auguste Rodin?

Three applications of the artist who wants to attend the Fine Arts School are rejected. He works with many decorators and embellishers in order to survive and support his family. While drawing the patterns of ancient works at the Louvre Museum, he also attends drawing courses in the evenings.