Half German, half Irish: Who is Katherine Heigl?

Half German, half Irish: Who is Katherine Heigl?

Katherine Heigl, the long form of the name is Katherine Marie Heigl. She was born on November 24, 1978, in Washington, USA. She is known for her role in the television series Grey's Anatomy. She is compared to Bridget Nielsen with her style in some of her roles.

Who is called Hydrologist; what do they do?

Who is called Hydrologist; what do they do?

One of the basic needs of human beings is water. The importance of water increases day by day with the increasing number of human population. People who are trained to determine the location and use of water are called hydrologists.

A masterpiece: Who is Yevgeny Onegin (Eugene Onegin)?

A masterpiece: Who is Yevgeny Onegin (Eugene Onegin)?

Yevgeni Onegin, one of the main characters in the novel, draws attention with his character structure and behavior and is also seen in many subsequent Russian novels, and all of them derive from this character drawn by Pushkin. Pushkin likens himself to this type.