The first known female film director in history: Who is Alice Guy Blaché?

The first known female film director in history: Who is Alice Guy Blaché?

Melies is considered the "father" of fictional cinema. However, Alice's film, La Fée Aux Choux, which was shot before Melies and tells a French fable, is the first fictional film in the history of cinema. Alice Guy Blaché is the first director to make a fiction film, and Melies is the first male director to make a fiction film.

Baker, Miller and Mathematician: Who is George Green?

Baker, Miller and Mathematician: Who is George Green?

Reading the life stories of some people will make us question our lives. One of these people will be George Green. George Green, who started school in the city where he lived at the age of eight, left school at the age of nine. Afterwards, he starts working with his father.

A Soviet Genius Scientist: Who is Leonid Kantorovich?

A Soviet Genius Scientist: Who is Leonid Kantorovich?

During the siege, the people of Leningrad were left with only one way to breathe. This road going over the frozen lake was called 'Road of Life'. But what is the carrying capacity of this frozen lake? Kantorovic found the answer by making various calculations with the mathematical model he developed.