A chilling human story: Who is Antonio Salazar-Hobson?

A chilling human story: Who is Antonio Salazar-Hobson?

He was kidnapped when he was four years old and sexually abused for years! Now he fights for the weak... Antonio Salazar-Hobson did not see his family for 24 years after he was kidnapped. His desire and ideals to reunite with his mother helped him navigate a path through hell.

He also served as an MI6 agent for a while: Who is Graham Greene?

He also served as an MI6 agent for a while: Who is Graham Greene?

The Author Who Made Russian Roulette a Habit: The author, known for his espionage novels and controversial political works, was among the authors of the 20th century with his political novels, each of which asked big moral questions. It's time to get to know the famous author, whose name is often mentioned with the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Doyen of Sephardic culture: Who is Karen Gerson Şarhon?

Doyen of Sephardic culture: Who is Karen Gerson Şarhon?

Karen Gerson Şarhon is an internationally renowned figure in the field of Sephardic culture. Şarhon, who has undertaken many important projects as the general coordinator of the Ottoman-Turkish Sephardic Culture Research Center, is also the editor of the world's only monthly, entirely Ladino newspaper, El Amaneser.

The diva of Rebetiko music: Who is Roza Eskenazi?

The diva of Rebetiko music: Who is Roza Eskenazi?

Rebetiko is a type of music that reflects the love, jealousy, sadness, anger, drug and alcohol habits, in and out of prison, and forbidden love of the poorest, most neglected Greeks, and those who were at odds with social norms, from the late 19th century until about the 1950s.