Who invented the touchpad and when?

Who invented the touchpad and when?

The invention of laptop computers brought with it a problem. How would computer users navigate the mouse cursor displayed in the operating system used on their portable computers without a physical computer mouse?

Who developed Microsoft Word and when?

Who developed Microsoft Word and when?

The first Microsoft Word was developed by Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, who previously worked for Xerox but were later hired by Bill Gates and Paul Allen to work at Microsoft.

When and by whom was the cable modem invented?

When and by whom was the cable modem invented?

Imagine a world where broadband internet does not exist. In a world without this high-speed data transfer, could the internet continue to be the center of information, photos, movies, and corporate business opportunities as it is today? 

Who developed infertility treatment and how?

Who developed infertility treatment and how?

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection - ICSI is the process of injecting a single sperm into the egg. This method can be especially helpful in cases of infertility caused by various sperm problems such as low sperm count or inability of sperm to enter the egg.

What is JPEG, who invented it and why?

What is JPEG, who invented it and why?

Before the 1990s, the internet was generally a text-based platform. Because downloading and distribution of images (bitmaps) created with digital data took a very long time. This situation ended with the invention of the JPEG standard in 1992, which allows images to be compressed to reduce the file size.

Who is the 'father' of Java?

Who is the 'father' of Java?

James Arthur Gosling (May 19, 1955) is a Canadian computer scientist. He is known as the creator and main designer of the Java programming language.