Who are the 10 greatest mathematicians in human history?
Mathematics is everywhere for those who notice. Among the people who are aware of this, great mathematicians, artists, scientists, and writers have emerged.
Mathematics is everywhere for those who notice. Among the people who are aware of this, great mathematicians, artists, scientists, and writers have emerged.
The reality show, in which Orthodox Jew Aleeza Ben Shalom, who has been a professional matchmaker since 2007, brings together Jewish singles from different cultures, has managed to reach a very wide audience.
There is a pleasure and rhythm in Dimitri Kantemir's or Cantemir's compositions beyond his time. His compositions are neither just melancholic nor full of enthusiasm. Kantemir is thought to have caused the beginning of Russian literature.
Hoyle's Cambridge years (1945-1973) went down in scientific history thanks to his astonishingly original ideas covering a wide range of topics.
There are plenty of funny stories about artichokes. This is one of them: The man who named his son after an Artichoke.
In a cheap hotel room near Rome, songwriter Franco Migliacci set his sights on a reproduction of Chagall's 1944 painting "Le Coq Rouge dans la Nuit." He was so impressed that he passed out after finishing the bottle of wine...
Melies is considered the "father" of fictional cinema. However, Alice's film, La Fée Aux Choux, which was shot before Melies and tells a French fable, is the first fictional film in the history of cinema. Alice Guy Blaché is the first director to make a fiction film, and Melies is the first male director to make a fiction film.
In the 1930s, Mae West creates the politics and aesthetics of slat-slutdom and questions the roles in which women are degraded. She entertains while criticizing Puritan morality. She wants the “right to libertinism” for herself and women.
American porn star Whitney Wright caused controversy when she went to Iran and posed in various places, including the Golestan Palace and the former US embassy in Tehran, which has been turned into an anti-American museum.
Are you wondering what the word hypotenuse means? Allegedly, the hypotenuse is the name of the wife of the mathematician Pythagoras. However, the reality is very different from this. Pythagoras' wife is Theano.