Is this your best plate: who is Gordon Ramsay?

Is this your best plate: who is Gordon Ramsay?

Gordon Ramsay gained worldwide fame with shows such as 'Hell's Kitchen' and 'MasterChef'. Ramsay, one of the world's highest-paid chefs, was ranked 19th in Forbes magazine's list of the 'highest-paid celebrities in 2020' with an income of $70 million.

Who made sneakers a cultural issue?

Who made sneakers a cultural issue?

How did shoes, which used to be a functional need only for professional athletes and elite athletes, turned into a completely different cultural symbol? How did this transformation begin and what is the role of brands in the existence of this culture created from scratch?

Who is the sneakerhead?

Who is the sneakerhead?

Today, not only in sneaker cities such as Tokyo, NY, London, Paris, but also all over the world, there are sneakerheads who reserve a room of their house to stock an average of "3500" sneakers.

The prophet of pop music: David Bowie

The prophet of pop music: David Bowie

January 11, 2016: Today went down in history as the day a legendary rock star left the world. For most people, there are always two dates on which they inscribe their name on this world: their birth date and their death date (See Tombstones). However, January 16 is the last of the dates David Bowie etched his name into history.