Football’s wildest transfer saga: Luis Figo

Football’s wildest transfer saga: Luis Figo

Born to a modest family in a modest neighborhood of Portugal, Figo managed to become one of the best players in the world in his twenties despite his non-athletic physique. Thanks to football, he achieved a life that he could not imagine.

Who said 'Houston, we have a problem'?

Who said 'Houston, we have a problem'?

The Apollo13 space capsule was launched 52 years ago, on April 11, 1970, from NASA headquarters in Florida to go to the Moon. Actually everything was normal. The USA wanted to gain an overwhelming advantage against its strong rival, the Soviet Union, by setting foot on the world's satellite for the third time.

Who invented iced tea in history?

Who invented iced tea in history?

How do you think these famous iced teas, which can be prepared with many types of tea, from green tea to black tea, and which are provided with different aromas and tastes by adding various ingredients from honey to raspberry, emerged?